Housewife of the Month Stephanie Hollman
Although Real Housewives of Dallas cast member Stephanie Hollman is a self-proclaimed “non-leader”, we here at Housewives Jewelry beg to differ. In our book, Stephanie is every bit the leader!
And here are three reasons why we love her:
1. Despite Stephanie and her husband,Travis, being self made, they are no strangers to struggle and have a pay-it-forward philosophy. “There were many years when Travis and I had to live on a very tight budget because everything we had went to the company and growing for our future, so I get it”, says Stephanie. “Reinvesting in our employees’ education at Hollman, Inc. was something that was heavy on our hearts. As a mom, I think there is no greater gift that someone can give than the gift of education. Knowledge is the key that can unlock the door to success. Through this program, we hope to set our employees and their families up for success to make their dreams come true.“
2. Stephanie is the kind of friend we wish we all had! She even lined up a red-headed baby for her best friend, Brandi Redmond, to adopt! Amazing! Who does that?!
3. She’s got killer style. Her style is classic but she has a knack of utilizing versatile pieces to change up her look from casual, down- to -earth Dallas housewife to all-out society girl.
Click here to get her favorite earrings:
And here’s a bonus reason why we love her. Check out her amazing bathroom!:
Random facts about Stephanie Hollman:
*Stephanie’s age: 38 Born June 13, 1980
She was born and raised in the small town of Coweta, Oklahoma.
*Stephanie attended Oklahoma State University with a degree in Psychology
*Stephanie is the wealthiest Housewife of Dallas with a net worth of $18 million. Go Stephanie!